Have you heared something about the pirates of the Caribbean? This action adventurous and fantastic film has became one of the best and most seen film in the world.
Tells a story of a woman called Elizabeth. When she was a little girl, they found a boy in the sea, they thought it was dead however, they rescue him. The boy had a necklace of pirates and Elizabeth save it because unless she did that the boy would be killed. So when Elizabeth took that necklace, after a time, the pirates of the Caribbean wanted that necklace for getting rid of the curse of their boat.
In this film, which is directed by Gore Verbinski, the most important actors in this film are Johnny Depp as the pirate Jack Sparrow, Orlando Bloom as Will Turner (the little pirate that had the necklace) and Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Swann.
In my opinion, this film is the best film I have ever seen because apart from having action and adventures has a point of comedy. Its true that, sometimes its too fantastic and that it has errors but, as the plot is so beautiful it covers everything.
If you are interested in seen it here you are the trailer of the film.
Information about the actors' careers is missing.